Day 4

Do I reach for my phone as soon as I start feeling uncomfortable, awkward, or vulnerable?

What do I look for in friendship? What can I give instead?

My friends need me. Could I be more patient with them, to listen more attentively, to love them unconditionally, and to help them with my example, honesty, and good humour?

Am I a complainer? Could I become more optimistic, especially this week?

Do I give God a few minutes each day to talk to him in a conversation? What holds me back from this?

Have I talked to someone new today or do I only stick with the friends and people I know?

The people next to me have something to teach me and something to learn from me. Do I realise this? 



On Mount Tabor, Peter and James and John saw Jesus as they had never seen Him before. They were awe-inspired by this vision and surely, if they had had an iPhone there, they would have taken several selfies to put on Facebook with the title 'Awesome!' They wouldn't want to forget Jesus as radiant as He was then. So much so that Peter, filled with consolation, said, "Lord, it is well that we are here." Those same three Apostles also saw Jesus in Gethsemane, but in a very different fashion. Jesus was suffering indescribable moral pain, sweating blood as He thought about His Passion. The same Jesus, but not as they would love to remember Him. On Mount Tabor they didn't want to leave. In the Garden of Gethsemane they didn't want to stay. So when Jesus was arrested they all fled. Friends are meant to be friends always, for better or for worse. You, Lord, are also searching for friends who will stick with you through thick and thin; friends who are reliable, constant; friends who would go with You to Mount Calvary as well as to Mount Tabor; friends, Lord, that You can count on whether it's Tabor or Calvary, sunny or rainy, cold or hot, whether they are tired or energized. We all have ups and downs. We have days when we find it easy to pray and others when it is a struggle; days when everything seems tiresome, when we don't feel like praying, when we don't fancy going to Mass or saying the Rosary. Those are the moments when we prove that we are real friends of God. Holy Mary, my Mother, help me understand that "it is well" for me to be with Jesus anywhere, anytime, no matter what; help me to be constant in accompanying Him with my prayer even when it becomes harder.